The developers have released a way to semi-tether your pre-tethered iOS 5.0.1 Device.
**Once you've Jailbroke your iDevice on iOS 5.0.1, you'll need to install the Semi-Tether in order to turn your device on if it dies or has to reboot.**
Watch this Video:
How To: Get Semi-Tethered Jailbreak on iOS 5.0.1
If your still don't understand follow these step-by-step instructions below.
1. Open Cydia.
2. Wait for Cydia to Reload/Refresh Database
3. Click Manage
4. Click Sources
5. Click Edit
6. Click Add
7. (http:// will already be entered) type: (It should look like this:
8. Press Add Source
9. Wait for it to install (When it's finished it'll say: Return to Cydia)
10. At this point you'll be in your Sources, click the one that says:
11. There will be three packages, the middle one should be SemiTether. Click it!
12. Press install, then confirm
13. Once it is finished it will ask you to Respring, press Respring (*Note-It does take a few seconds to respond before you can slide to unlock, just wait until the display turns off*)
14. If done correctly you'll get an app that says Semitether and will look like the Connect to iTunes picture (If it is a white icon there is nothing wrong)
15. Open it and you will now be able to turn your iDevice on after it shuts off
If it shuts off you won't be able to use any Jailbreak features or a few of your stock Apple Applications. All installed Applications should work.
In order to get everything operational again, just boot it tethered again.
How to Boot Tethered:
1. Connect your iDevice to your computer
2. Open RedSn0w 0.9.9b8
3. Click Extras
4. Click Select IPSW's (Choose your firmware, where you put it to jailbreak it)
5. Then Click Just Boot
6. Follow the on-screen instructions (If done correctly, you will see a pineapple instead of Apple's Boot Logo, the Apple.)
Your iDevice should be operational at this point.