Sep 14, 2012

Free Apps?

Do you want to never pay for apps again? Then your in the right place! Free My Apps is a website for iOS users to get, well free apps. It is an easy, 100% legit, way to get free apps. Best of all, you don't need to be jailbroken! It uses a points system that allows you to purchase, with your points, paid apps, such as: Tiny Wings, Angry Birds, Minecraft, Pages, and Real Racing HD. Those are just a few apps you can get with your points.

Watch This Video:
Get free apps on iPhone, iPad, and/or iPod Touches - Free My Apps

How It Works:
Companies want to Sponsor their free or lite version applications, so they pay to get their apps on the Sponsored Tab. The money that is given to Free My Apps is used to purchase the apps that you can get for free with your points.

What You Need to Do:

  1. Go to the following website on your iOS Device:
  2. Click Get Apps
  3. Click any of the apps (This will NOT charge your account)
  4. Press Okay
  5. (It will take you to your Settings App and ask to Install a Trusted Certificate) Press Install
  6. It will automatically take you to the Sponsored Tab. From here you can start installing free apps to add your points up
Their slogan is Never Pay for Apps Again. I've been using FreeMyApps for about 4 months and have been able to get a $18 value for FREE. I've noticed that they don't add in very many Sponsored Apps, but don't give up on it either! Always check back, I would suggest about once a week.

Must be in US for it to work. Also, make sure your connected to a Wi-Fi Network, most of the apps are over 20MB