Jul 14, 2014

iPhone App to earn rewards for driving!

Think of all those trips to the gas station, to Walmart, or the road trips you take, wouldn't it be great if you were rewarded for the miles you traveled? Now it's possible with an app found in the Apple App Store for iPhones only.

May 25, 2013

Siri on Pre iPhone 4S devices

Everyone would love to have Siri on their iPhone, iPod, and even iPad. Well today I'll be demonstrating exactly how to do that on any device prior to the iPhone 4S.

Nov 1, 2012

Two Big Jailbreak Questions

Two of the most common questions people ask are: Is jailbreaking Illegal? and Does jailbreaking void your warranty on your iDevice? I was question that myself. I've heard so many different rumors on it, so I decided to find out for myself.

Oct 19, 2012

My Apple Wishlist

Here is a list of what I would buy from Apple. Of course, this would be different for a lot of people, but I thought I'd show you. This is updated to the most recent Apple Products. It is a realistic list for me, not a fantasy list. Otherwise everything would be top of the line, most expensive.

Oct 14, 2012

Upcoming Events for iHelpJailbreak

I have had some great ideas. I decided I would inform my followers, viewers, and subscribers. 

First - I am going to complete my Downloads Page, and add more to it. 
Second -  I have decided to do a daily blog. Every day I am going to try post a blog on what went on that day for me, and what is going on in not just the tech world, but the everyday world too.
Third - I am going to try to start uploading more videos to my channel. Hopefully on a daily basis.
Fourth - I am planning on making a Videos Page on my Website, for quick access to all my videos.

Please continue to help and support me. Thanks everyone! Let me know what you think!

Oct 9, 2012

Brightness Icons

Have you ever wanted to change the brightness straight from your Home Screen? Or wanted to have it perfectly halfway  or a quarter of the way up? I have found a great file in Cydia known as Brightness Icons. It's a free download, which means you should go ahead and download it. 

Sep 18, 2012


Are you tired of having to manually select emails? I got tired of that really quick. Check allows you to no longer have to select each email one at a time. 

Sep 17, 2012

iPhone 5

Are you considering getting the new iPhone 5? Are you not sure if you should upgrade? I'll list some key points on what I think, and list some specifications of the iPhone 5. Basically just a rundown of what's new!

Sep 14, 2012

How to Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 - Tethered

I know everyone wants to make there iPhone, iPod, or iPad better. Jailbreaking, in my opinion, does just that. Sometimes you may notice some apps may be slower, but overall, it's worth it!

Free Apps?

Do you want to never pay for apps again? Then your in the right place! Free My Apps is a website for iOS users to get, well free apps. It is an easy, 100% legit, way to get free apps. Best of all, you don't need to be jailbroken! It uses a points system that allows you to purchase, with your points, paid apps, such as: Tiny Wings, Angry Birds, Minecraft, Pages, and Real Racing HD. Those are just a few apps you can get with your points.